Izzie Barin
PhD Student in Family Medicine
Program: PhD in Family Medicine
Department of Family Medicine
School of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
McGill University
Thesis title: Designing and Evaluating a Web-Based Intervention to Enhance Emotional Regulation Skills Among Family Medicine Residents in Quebec
Thesis Advisory Committee: Charo Rodríguez (Principal Supervisor), Tibor Schuster (Co- Supervisor), Tamara Carver (Advisor), Martin Desseilles (Advisor)
Short biography
Izzie is a PhD student in the Department of Family Medicine at McGill University, currently in her third year of study. She is a recipient of the FRQSC Doctoral Training Award and the Weston Fellowship (2023). Prior to her PhD, Izzie worked as a Research Assistant at Harvard Medical School and as a lecturer at University of New Mexico. She holds an MA in Economics from the University of New Mexico and a BS in Economics from Minnesota State University. During her studies Izzie focused on behavioral and health economics, with particular attention to health information delivery, and behavioral outcomes. Her research interests include medical and health education, emotion regulation, and psychoeducation. She is originally from Turkey and moved to the United States in 2007 as a Fulbright Scholar.