Articles scientifiques

Bienvenue dans la section Articles scientifiques, qui met à l’honneur les succès et les contributions remarquables du Groupe de recherche en enseignement de la médecine familiale. Ce répertoire témoigne de notre dévouement envers l’avancement des connaissances et de notre soif de découvertes dans nos domaines respectifs. Nous vous invitons à explorer ce recueil de publications triées sur le volet.

Pour qu’une publication soit associée au Groupe de recherche, l’article, le chapitre ou le livre doit avoir été rédigé par au moins deux chercheurs ou chercheuses membres du Groupe de recherche.

Les publications accompagnées d’un astérisque « * » ont été rédigées par une étudiante ou un étudiant aux cycles supérieurs affilié au Groupe de recherche.


Publications du FMER en 2024
*Étudiant affilié au FMER

Tolentino, R.*Rodriguez, C., Hersson-Edery, F., Lane, J., & Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi, S. (2024). Perspectives on virtual interviews and emerging technologies integration in family medicine residency programs: a cross-sectional survey study. BMC Medical Education24(1), 975.

Tolentino, R.*, Baradaran, A., Gore, G., Pluye, P., & Abbasgholizadeh-Rahimi, S. (2024). Curriculum frameworks and educational programs in AI for medical students, residents, and practicing physicians: Scoping review. JMIR Medical Education, 10(1), e54793.

Sandhu, A.*Grad, R., Bousbiat, I., Issa, A. M., Abbasgolizadeh-Rahimi, S., D’Souza, V., & Elwyn, G. (2024). Family medicine residents’ perspectives on shared decision-making: A mixed methods study. Patient Education and Counseling, 128, 108373.

Rodríguez CGrad R, Loban K, Archibald D, Grant R, Sandhu A, and Kilpatrick K. (2024). Professional Identity Work of Nurse Practitioners and Family Physicians in Primary Care in Quebec and Ontario – A Study Protocol. BMC Primary Care. 25 (178)

Ortiz-Paredes DF*, Henet PA, Desseilles M, and Rodríguez C. (2024). Empathy in Family Medicine Postgraduate Education: A Mixed Studies Systematic Review. Medical Teacher DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2024.2328324


Publications du FMER en 2023
*Étudiant affilié au FMER

Arora A*, Rodríguez C, Carver T, Rojas-Rozo LC, and Schuster T. (2023). Evolving a Conceptual Framework and Developing a New Questionnaire for Usability Evaluation of Blended Learning Programs in Health Professions Education. McGill Journal of Medicine 21 (1): 1-22.

Tellier PP, Ataman R, Zaccagnini M, Gore G, and Rodríguez C. (2023). Features of Adolescent Medicine Training in Family Medicine Residents: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health.


Publications du FMER en 2022
*Étudiant affilié au FMER

AbbasgholizadehRahimi S, Cwintal M, Huang Y, Ghadiri P, Grad RM, Poenaru D, Gore G, Zomahoun HTV, Légaré F, and Pluye P. (2022). Application of Artificial Intelligence in Shared Decision Making: A Scoping Review. JMIR Medical Informatics 10(8):e36199.

El Sherif R*, Pluye P, Schuster T, Grad RM. (2022). Outcomes of Proxy Information Seeking by Users of an Online Parenting Information Website: A Quantitative Observational Study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 5(1):e32406.

Grad R, Sandhu A*, Ferrante M, D’Souza V, Puterman-Salzman L, Abbasgholizadeh-Rahimi S, Stevens G, and Elwyn G. Using incorpoRATE to examine clinician willingness to engage in shared decision making: A study of Family Medicine residents. Patient Education and Counseling. 2022;105 (12):3529-3533.

Long S*, Rodríguez C, St-Onge C, Tellier PP, Torabi N, and Young M. (2022). Factors Affecting Perceived Credibility of Assessment in Medical Education: A Scoping Review. Advances in Health Sciences Education 27: 229-262.

Ortiz-Paredes D*, Rodríguez C, Nugus P, Carver T, Tørsten R. (2022). Embedding Identity or How to Make Sense to Multiple Medical Professional Identities to Meet Overlapping Demands at Work. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 34 (4): 405-417 (First published online on July 3, 2021).

Rodríguez C, Rahimzadeh V, Bartlett G, and Carver T. (2022). Insights for Teaching During a Pandemic: Lessons from a Pre-COVID-19 International Synchronous Hybrid Learning Experience. Family Medicine 54 (6): 471-476.

Ruchon C, Grad RM, Ebell M, Slawson D, Pluye P, Filion K, Rousseau M, Braschi E, Sridhar S, Grover-Wenk A, Cheung J, and Shaughnessy, A. (2022). Evidence reversals in primary health care research: A study of randomized controlled trials. Family Practice 39(4):565-69.


Publications du FMER en 2021
*Étudiant affilié au FMER

Abbasgholizadeh-Rahimi S, Rodríguez C, Croteau J, Sadeghpour A, Navali AM, and Légaré F. (2021). Continuing Professional Education of Iranian Healthcare Professionals in Shared Decision-Making: Lessons Learned. BMC Health Services Research 21: 225.

Arora AK*, Rodriguez C, Carver T, Hacker Teper M, Rojas-Rozo L, and Schuster T. (2021). Evaluating Usability in Blended Learning Programs within Health Professions Education: A Scoping Review. Medical Science Education 31: 1213-1246.

Grad R, Leger D, Kaczorowski J, Schuster T, Adler S, Aman M, et al. (2021). Does Spaced Education Improve Clinical Knowledge among Family Medicine Residents? A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Advances in Health Sciences Education 26 (3): 771-783.


Publications du FMER en 2020
*Étudiant affilié au FMER

Grad R, Tang DL. (2020). Towards Collective Intelligence in a National Community of Physicians. Education for Information 36 (1): 93-100.

Granikov V*, Grad R, El Sherif R*, Shulha M, Chaput G, Doray G, Lagarde F, Rochette A, Tang DL, and Pluye P. (2020). The Information Assessment Method: Over 15 Years of Research Evaluating the Value of Health Information. Education for Information 36 (1): 7-18.

Kluchnyk M, Grad R, Pluye P, and Thomas A. (2020). Using Spaced Education to Deliver Information to Medical Residents: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study. Education for Information 36 (1): 29-50.

Luconi F, Rochette A, Grad R, Hallé MC, Chin D, Habib B, and Thomas A. (2020). A Multifaceted Continuing Professional Development Intervention to Move Stroke Rehabilitation into Professional Practice: A Feasibility Study. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 27 (6): 401-441.

Pluye P, El Sherif R*, González-Reyes A, Turcotte E, Schuster T, Bartlett G, Grad RM, et al. (2020). Outcomes of Equity-Oriented Online Parenting Information: A Participatory Mixed Methods Study Comparing Low SES with Other Mothers. Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (11): e22440.

Pluye P, Granikov V, & Tang DL. (2020). Facilitators and Barriers Associated with the Implementation of an Innovative Cross-Disciplinary Monitoring of the Scientific Literature: The Collaborative eReader on Mixed Methods (CeRo-MM) – A Research Protocol. Education for Information: Interdisciplinary Journal of Information Studies, 36(1):81-92.


Publications du FMER en 2019
*Étudiant affilié au FMER

Rodríguez C, Bélanger E, Nugus P, Willoughby K, Boillat M, Dove M, Steinert Y, and Lalla L. (2019). Community Preceptors’ Motivations and Views about Their Relationships with Medical Students during a Longitudinal Family Medicine Experience: A Qualitative Case Study. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 31 (2): 119-128.

Ramos, D., Grad, R., Saroyan, A., & Nugus, P. (2019). Seeking coherence between ‘mobile learning’applications and the everyday lives of medical residents. Perspectives on medical education8, 152-159.

Gil, M., El Sherif, R.*, Pluye, M., Fung, B. C., Grad, R., & Pluye, P. (2019). Towards a knowledge-based recommender system for linking electronic patient records with continuing medical education information at the point of care. IEEE Access7, 15955-15966.

Pluye, P., El Sherif, R.*, Granikov, V.*, Hong, Q. N., Vedel, I., Galvao, M. C. B., … & Grad, R. (2019). Health outcomes of online consumer health information: A systematic mixed studies review with framework synthesis. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology70(7), 643-659.



Publications du FMER en 2018
*Étudiant affilié au FMER

Willoughby K, Rodríguez C, Boillat M, Dove M, Nugus P, Steinert Y, & Lalla L. (2018). Comparing Students’ and Preceptors’ Perceptions of the Effects of a New Canadian Longitudinal Pre-Clerkship Family Medicine Experience. PRiMER Peer-reviewed Reports in Medical Education Research 2:7.

Pluye, P., Loignon, C., Lagarde, F., Doray, G., El Sherif, R.*, Granikov, V.*, … , Grad, R., & Bouthillier, F. (2018). Assessing and improving the use of online information about child development, education, health, and well-being in low-education, low-income parents: protocol for a mixed-methods multiphase study. JMIR Research Protocols7(11), e9996.

Lussier, M. T., Diallo, F. B., Pluye, P., Grad, R., Lessard, A., Rhéaume, C., & Labrecque, M. (2018). Drug samples in family medicine teaching units: a cross-sectional descriptive study: Part 3: availability and use of drug samples in Quebec. Canadian Family Physician64(12), e546-e552. PMCID: PMC6371885

Rhéaume, C., Labrecque, M., Moisan, N., Rioux, J., Tardieux, É., Diallo, F. B., … Grad, R., & Pluye, P. (2018). Drug samples in family medicine teaching units: a cross-sectional descriptive study: Part 1: drug sample management policies and the relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and residents in Quebec. Canadian Family Physician64(12), e531-e539. PMCID: PMC6371883

Gonzalez-Reyes, A., Pluye, P., Power, B., Emberley, P., & Grad, R. (2018). Top 5 primary care topics for pharmacists in 2016. Canadian Pharmacists Journal/Revue des Pharmaciens du Canada151(3), 176-178.

Galvao, M. C. B., Carmona, F., Grand, R., Pluye, P., & Ricarte, I. L. M. (2018). Disseminating health evidence summaries to increase evidence use in health care. Revista de saude publica52.


Publications du FMER en 2017
*Étudiant affilié au FMER

Bartlett G, and Rodríguez C. Primary Care Research: The Realm of Paradigmatic Plurality. (2017). McGill Journal of Medicine 15: 10-12.

Grad R, Pluye P, Wong E, Brailowsky C, Moscovici JL, Kaczorowski J, Rodríguez C, Luconi F, Rousseau M, Karanofsky M, Delleman B, Kegel S, Mercuri M, Kluchnyk, and Schabort I. (2017). Do Weekly Alerts from a Mobile Application Influence Reading during Residency? Peer-reviewed Reports in Medical Education Research PRiMER 1.



Publications du FMER en 2016
*Étudiant affilié au FMER

Willoughby K, Rodríguez C, Boillat M, Dove M, Nugus P, Steinert Y, and Lalla L. (2016). Assessing Students’ Perceptions of the Effects of a New Canadian Longitudinal Pre-Clerkship Family Medicine Experience. Education for Primary Care.

Lewis D, Pluye P, Rodríguez C, and Grad R. (2016). Mining Reflective Continuing Medical Education Data for Family Physicians Learning Needs [Letter to the Editor]. The Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics 23 (1): 439-440.



Publications du FMER en 2015
*Étudiant affilié au FMER

Rodríguez C, Bartlett G, Boillat M, Dove M, Grad R, Lalla L, Pluye P, Tellier PP, and Bergman H. (2015). Manifesto for Family Medicine Educational Research. Canadian Family Physician 61 (9): 745-747. PMCID: PMC4569102

Rodríguez C, López-Roig S, Pawlikowska T, Schweyer FX, Bélanger E, Pastor-Mira MA, Hugé S, Spencer S, Lévasseur G, Whitehead I, and Tellier PP. (2015). The Influence of Academic Discourses on Medical Students’ Identification with the Discipline of Family Medicine. Academic Medicine 90 (5): 660-670.


Publications du FMER en 2014
*Étudiant affilié au FMER

Rodríguez C, Pawlikowska T, Schweyer FX, López-Roig S, Bélanger E, Burns J, Fiquet L, Pastor-Mira MS, Tellier PP, Spencer S, Hugé S, and Pereiró-Berenguer I. (2014). Family Physicians’ Professional Identity Formation: A Study Protocol to Explore Impression Management Processes in Institutional Academic Contexts. BMC Medical Education 14: 184