Insights for Teaching During A Pandemic

Written by FMER

June 5, 2022

Congrats to Charo Rodriguez, Tamara Carver and co-authors who have published an article entitled Insights for Teaching During A Pandemic: Lessons From A Pre-COVID-19 International Synchronous Hybrid Learning Experience in Family Medicine

Our findings highlight that to better sustain hybrid learning experiences, (i) social exchanges among virtual and in-person learners should be maximized; (ii) the instructor should engage with virtual students several times during the course to exchange and provide feedback in-person; and (iii) the various capacities afforded by online platforms to create a shared sense of a learning community should be optimized.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a swift and immediate change to course delivery including for graduate medical instruction. The pandemic likewise motivated institutions to discover innovated ways to combine the strengths of in-person learning with those of virtual learning and carved a new empirical agenda for evaluating the effectiveness of new hybrid models going forward.25 Our findings unveil the complexities of offering high-quality courses in hybrid learning environments in graduate medical education ahead of their more widespread adoption and provide insights for how to effectively prepare instructors for such changes.

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