2025 Pierre Pluye International Awards


The McGill Family Medicine Education Research (FMER) Group is proud to announce the sponsorship of the fourth edition of ‘The Pierre Pluye International Awards in Family Medicine Education Scholarship’. With these awards, the FMER celebrates the original and influential contribution of Dr. Pierre Pluye, founding member of the research group, to the advancement of mixed methods research and mixed studies reviews in general, and of the family medicine education field of inquiry in particular. These awards are aimed to distinguish the work of promising new researchers committed to the advancement of science in family medicine education research around the world.

Three academic awards are granted annually:

  • Best MSc thesis
  • Best PhD dissertation
  • Best scholarly article

The Award FMER Evaluation Committee includes at least two FMER researchers, and two FMER-affiliated graduate students, one MSc student and one PhD student or candidate.


Submission period: January 1 to March 31, 2025

*The candidates’ thesis or dissertation must have been approved for obtaining an MSc or PhD degree no earlier than two academic years prior submission, i.e., not before January 1, 2023. Neither the candidates nor their proponents can be members of the McGill FMER group.

*The candidates’ scholarly article must have been published (printed or publish ahead printed) during 2024.

The thesis/dissertation/scholarly article must meet three criteria:

  1. a) be related to research in family medicine education;
  2. b) must uses mixed methods in empirical research and/or literature review;
  3. c) be written in English or French.


Application – Procedure

1. Applications for an MSc thesis or PhD dissertation award:

They must include the five following documents:

  • A cover letter in which the candidate clearly indicates the award s/he is applying for (MSc or PhD thesis); introduces him/herself, the program and institution in which s/he graduated, as well as his/her research supervisors; and briefly describes the investigation conducted.
  • An abstract of maximum 500 words that summarizes the the Particular attention should be given to the description and justification of the mixed methods (empirical research and/or review) adopted in accordance with GRAMMS (Good Reporting of Mixed Methods Studies), and of the major theoretical, empirical, methodological, and practical contributions to the sciences of family medicine education.
  • A copy of the approved thesis in PDF format.
  • An updated version of the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae.
  • A letter of support from the candidate’s principal research supervisor (specifying that the thesis has been approved for obtaining an MSc or PhD degree).

2. Applications for a scholarly article award

They must include the following two documents:

  • A cover letter
  • A copy of the article in PDF format
  • An updated version of the first author’s Curriculum Vitae

All application packages should be sent by email to the Director of the McGill FMER Group, Dr. Charo Rodríguez (charo.rodriguez@mactill.ca) any time during the three-month application period that, as noted above, will expand from January 1 to march 31, 2025 (deadline).

Incomplete applications will be disregarded.



*Will be announced by May 15, 2025.
*Will be illustrated in the FMER website, the Monthly Features section of the McGill
Department of Family Medicine Newsletter, and the Health e-News – McGill Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Electronic Newsletter
*Will present their respective works at a special FMER webinar to be held at the beginning of the 2025-2026 academic year. The webinar will be recorded and then uploaded on the FMER website.
*Will be granted CAD $1,000 (PhD thesis or scholarly article) or CAD $500 (MSc Thesis).

Are you interested in Family Medicine Education Research?

It is an exciting time in health sciences education, and more specifically family medicine education research. Visit the pages throughout our website to learn more about what FMER members do, and how you might join us and collaborate with us.